Measure twice, Cut once

The other day, my brother asked me to review his application form for a course registration. He feels it necessary to get important documents scrutinized from me.

While reviewing his form, I observed quite a lot of cancellations due to typos and errors. Though the final details in the form were correctly updated, it struck me that the count of cancellations in comparison to past documentation was steadily rising. I felt that I should discuss with him the reasons for such rise in cancellations while filling important documents or forms.

When I asked him about the reason, he was surprised at my observation because he hadn’t consciously thought about it. However, based on our small 20 minutes talk, we realized that he was hastily filling the information in order to get work done quickly and was finding it a bit difficult to manage his anxiousness. He felt highly relieved upon getting his work done quickly but in the process ended up making mistakes. Thankfully, these mistakes have not cost him dearly till date but that day he realized the importance of getting things done correctly and patiently rather than quickly.

Speed and agility are naturally good qualities to possess but they shouldn’t be overwhelmed with haste. Haste can end up making us prey to huge blunders which may cost us dearly.

The investing world is a beautiful example that demands great patience and managing haste. The markets are exposed to a lot of volatility and external scenarios which can make an investor anxious. This can lead to panic buying or panic selling on the part of the investor and end up in huge loss. Investments bought or sold hastily usually don’t turn out fruitful and the market rarely provides the opportunity to undo these mistakes. The market demands from the investors to develop patience and not be overwhelmed with haste.

As rightly quoted by Benjamin Franklin “Take time for all things, great haste makes great waste”.

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