Investing is a long journeySeems easy, but is actually quite thorny, Compounding is what each one should knowHolds in check your money flow, Consistency is very essentialTo help make your investments influential, Keep going is the attitudeNow’s the time, i should conclude.FINANCE ENTHUZIAST IS BACK.Stay tuned for your regular dose of financial concepts and information.Continue reading “WE ARE BACK”

What is New Umbrella Entity (NUE)?

The use of digital payment methods for retail transactions has increased multi-fold during the last few years. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, physical exchange of currency notes seemed risky owing to the contagious nature of the virus. This proved to be a catalyst in the increase in digital payment modes for retail transactions. Groceries toContinue reading “What is New Umbrella Entity (NUE)?”

What is IPO?

The term ‘IPO’ has become one of the most trending terms in the Indian stock markets. Regardless of the widespread pandemic and global market downfalls, the year 2020 witnessed 15 successful IPO’s in India. Further, the first month of 2021 witnessed 4 IPO’s. With ‘IPO’ becoming the new “buzzword” of the Indian stock market, letContinue reading “What is IPO?”

What Is Asset Allocation?

In the world of investments, it is very popularly said that do not put all your eggs in one basket. What does one mean when they say this? An important investing philosophy that forms the basis of this saying is ‘Asset allocation’. WHAT IS ASSET ALLOCATION? Asset allocation is an investment strategy whereby the portfolioContinue reading “What Is Asset Allocation?”

Financial Learnings of 2020

Aristotle has said, “Well begun is half done”. It implies that a right beginning sets the path towards a journey that leads to success. The year 2020 however, did not keep up to the expectations of this adage. Everybody started the year with zeal and zest. As the year began to unfold, we witnessed theContinue reading “Financial Learnings of 2020”

What is CIBIL Score?

The ongoing pandemic has had a drastic impact on the economy and people across various categories of society leading to confusion regarding personal and corporate finance. One such confusion that people are anxious about is the impact on credit score or the CIBIL score. This article captures the essence of the CIBIL score and howContinue reading “What is CIBIL Score?”

Smallcase – Future of Investing

Do you remember the days when you visited a toy shop as a kid? You must have always been astonished by the variety of toys that the shop has to offer. You obviously want to buy everything but that is not the option you have. The same is the case with most investors in theContinue reading “Smallcase – Future of Investing”

Monetary Policy

An economy is influenced by the government using two tools viz. Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy. Fiscal Policy refers to the revenue collection by way of taxes and other sources and its expenditure to support the economic activities in the country. Monetary Policy covers the actions undertaken by the central bank of a country (theContinue reading “Monetary Policy”