What is IPO?

The term ‘IPO’ has become one of the most trending terms in the Indian stock markets. Regardless of the widespread pandemic and global market downfalls, the year 2020 witnessed 15 successful IPO’s in India. Further, the first month of 2021 witnessed 4 IPO’s. With ‘IPO’ becoming the new “buzzword” of the Indian stock market, letContinue reading “What is IPO?”

What Is Asset Allocation?

In the world of investments, it is very popularly said that do not put all your eggs in one basket. What does one mean when they say this? An important investing philosophy that forms the basis of this saying is ‘Asset allocation’. WHAT IS ASSET ALLOCATION? Asset allocation is an investment strategy whereby the portfolioContinue reading “What Is Asset Allocation?”

Smallcase – Future of Investing

Do you remember the days when you visited a toy shop as a kid? You must have always been astonished by the variety of toys that the shop has to offer. You obviously want to buy everything but that is not the option you have. The same is the case with most investors in theContinue reading “Smallcase – Future of Investing”

Exchange Traded Funds

Consider investing Rs. 5,000 every month for the last 30 years landing up with an end corpus of approximately Rs. 1.44 crores. Amazing, isn’t it? BSE Sensex has increased from around 680 points in January 1990 to a little over 40,700 points on 22nd October 2020. The next question in your mind would probably be:Continue reading “Exchange Traded Funds”

Mutual Fund Investments

WHAT IS A MUTUAL FUND? A mutual fund is a trust that collects money from a number of investors who share a common investment objective. Then, it invests the money in equities, bonds, money market instruments, etc. The corpus of funds is managed by an investment professional known as a fund manager or portfolio manager.Continue reading “Mutual Fund Investments”

Debt Investments

WHAT ARE DEBT SECURITIES? A debt security represents money borrowed by the issuer of the security that must be repaid with interest at its maturity. It is a type of financial asset that is created when one party lends money to another. For example, corporate bonds are debt securities issued by corporations and sold toContinue reading “Debt Investments”

Equity Investment

WHAT IS EQUITY INVESTMENT? Equity investment is money that is invested in a company by purchasing shares of that company typically traded in the stock market. An equity share, also referred to as ordinary share, represents the form of fractional or part ownership of the company. All the shareholders, collectively, are the owners of theContinue reading “Equity Investment”

Investment Avenues

Investment is the act of putting your saved money into financial products with a view to generate income in the future. Money that has been saved now is invested with the hope to earn more. Financial markets offer a wide range of options for investments. Selecting the correct investment option becomes a difficult task forContinue reading “Investment Avenues”

Basics of Investing

Recently, one of my friends asked me “How should I invest in the financial market?”, “What instrument should I choose?”, “How do I select the right security in the instrument category that I choose?” ……. And the list of questions continued. To help her out and to help all those who ponder upon such questions,Continue reading “Basics of Investing”