Investing is a long journeySeems easy, but is actually quite thorny, Compounding is what each one should knowHolds in check your money flow, Consistency is very essentialTo help make your investments influential, Keep going is the attitudeNow’s the time, i should conclude.FINANCE ENTHUZIAST IS BACK.Stay tuned for your regular dose of financial concepts and information.Continue reading “WE ARE BACK”

Stock Market – Not a Ponzi Scheme

‘I should invest in stock markets, my money will surely double in a few days’ is what most of us take as inspiration to enter the world of stock markets. The very thought of making quick money is what attracts us to invest our hard-earned money in stock markets. This notion is the most detrimentalContinue reading “Stock Market – Not a Ponzi Scheme”

Budget – Need of the hour (every month)

My uncle asked my cousin the other day “Son, how much did you save last month?” My cousin, who was busy streaming a web series, was surprised on hearing this question and sadly had no definite answer. He asked uncle as to why was he exposed to this question randomly and the reply was quiteContinue reading “Budget – Need of the hour (every month)”

Measure twice, Cut once

The other day, my brother asked me to review his application form for a course registration. He feels it necessary to get important documents scrutinized from me. While reviewing his form, I observed quite a lot of cancellations due to typos and errors. Though the final details in the form were correctly updated, it struckContinue reading “Measure twice, Cut once”

Hustle, Hit and Never Quit

25.05.2005 This date is not just an ordinary date. This date showcased the world what it means to have a ‘Never Die Attitude’, ‘Temperament of Persistence’ and how not to quit your biggest challenge halfway. 15 years ago, on this very date, Liverpool Football Club (LFC) pulled off the most iconic comeback in the historyContinue reading “Hustle, Hit and Never Quit”

Choose your Investment, Love your Choice

“Should I opt for a high paying job with a,b,c challenges or should I opt for the other job where I’ll get to do x,y,z activities but the money isn’t great?” asked my cousin the other day. Well, quite of us come across this question on numerous occasions but there never seems to be aContinue reading “Choose your Investment, Love your Choice”

Stepping stones to Financial Life

Throwback to 2011, entering the realms of dynamism, the honourable institution of R. A. Podar College engraved upon me a value system, strong enough to face the paradigm changes which were due to take place owing to my professional life.Coming across people from such varied tastes and all walks of life, I’m grateful to befriendContinue reading “Stepping stones to Financial Life”